Resume Builder
Pricing Transparency
What is Fee
$24.95 every 4 weeks
$44.95 every 6 months
$74.95 every 1 year
Modest. They have a pricing page, and it's accurate
You can download a .txt file (which does little to no good).
$23.70 every 4 weeks.
$71.40 annually.
None. No Pricing information anywhere until you spend hours on your resume.
Nothing usable. You must pay. 
$24.95 every 4 weeks.
$95.40 annually.
None. No pricing information anywhere until you spend hours on your resume.
Nothing usable. You must pay.
#23.95 every 4 weeks.
$71.40 annualy.
None. No pricing information anywhere until you spend hours on your resume.
Nothing usable. You must pay.
$23.85 every 4 weeks.
$125.40 annually.
None. No pricing information anywhere until you spend hours on your resume.
You can download a .txt file (which does little to no good).


The job seekers name may not show up properly in ATS.

These columns can scan poorly through ATS. 

This resume has five sections,with multiple column-sets.ATS software is going to have a hard timereading the columns separate from one another.

Examples of Effective Templates from Resume Writing Professionals

Want to see more resumes that are both ATS-ready AND beautiful? Look at these samples. 

This is one example of resume builders not following best-practices. You should not put your picture on your resume.